Albany Imaging

Please call if you have any questions and we would be happy to help, or complete the contact form to the right and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Albany Imaging
(In the Amity Health complex)
136 Lockyer Ave, Albany

Opening Hours

8am - 5pm


Ph: 08 9842 2110

Fax: 08 9842 5060


Accessing your Images

If you would like to view your images, you will receive a link once your report has been sent to your referring doctor. You will be prompted to make an account and download an app; this will give you access to both future and past images. 

Please contact our rooms on 9842 2110 if you have not received a link within three days, our team can help grant access by generating a new link.

Upload your Referral

If you have your referral or any supporting files you would like to share with us, click on the button below to upload.

Patient’s Privacy Consent

If you have your consent form please upload above, or alternatively select the button below to complete online and email back or upload.